L&B Thames Valley Group report.

5th February, 2024

Members of the L&B Thames Valley Group took their stand to the Alton Model Railway Exhibition on Saturday and Sunday 3 - 4 February. There were many interesting conversations with visitors to the show. It was great to hear the complimentary remarks about Woody Bay Station, the Tea Rooms, the Old Station Inn and the trains from those who had visited the railway in recent years.

In many ways it is even more satisfying to talk with people who know little or nothing about the Lynton & Barnstaple Railway. We hope that the leaflets we give to them will remind them to journey to Exmoor and to visit the L&B in the not too distant future!

Thanks are due to Jean Slocombe, Brian Grant, Roger Beazer, John Jones and Gary Stevens for all their help.

The group will be taking the L&B stand to the Basingstoke Model Railway Exhibition on 9th -10th March, and to Narrow Gauge South on 24th April.