Carriage Report - March 2024

Published: 20th March, 2024

Work continues on parts for carriage No.9 including door ventilators, boards to contain the communication cord (future proofing, in case needed) and the oil lamp bases.

For those not familiar with the terminology of carriage parts, the cant rail is the beam that runs the length of the carriage above the doors which supports the roof whilst the sole bar is the same structure running along the carriage length under the doors. The Iroka timber for these structures has just been received and thanks are due to Dave Ely for negotiating to obtain this timber for £1k, very much less than the £7k+ than was expected.

Parts are also being prepared for repairs to carriage No.17 which will be carried out by Dave Ely at Woody Bay once the parts are delivered there.
In the old barn near Colchester, which is rented as our workshop, a space above the workshop area has been cleared and fitted out to provide much needed extra storage space for parts and materials which has proved invaluable.