Planning News Update December 2022

Published: 26th December, 2022

Since the submission of the Section 73 planning applications in May 2022 and having regard to comments raised during the consultation process, the Lynton and Barnstaple Railway Trust has made amendments to the applications that we hope Exmoor National Park will determine during February 2023.

The proposed turntable and alterations at Parracombe Halt have been withdrawn and development of the halt will be in accordance with the plans approved by Exmoor National Park in March 2018.

The Environmental Statement Addendum has been amended to include additional information regarding development and opening of the railway in stages. Additional noise and vibration assessment has also been provided for the property named “Fairview”.

We would like to clarify that when the line is opened to Parracombe, tickets will only be sold at Woody Bay where there is ample car parking. Passengers will be allowed to leave the train and return using a later service in a similar manner to the current operations running to Killington Lane Halt. Our records show that on average just 2 people a day take this option. New passengers will not be able to buy tickets and board trains at Parracombe.   

In summary, the current Section 73 planning applications do not seek any changes to the form or layout of the proposals approved in March 2018 but seek only to allow development in stages to enable easier management and funding; and to realise the benefits that the railway will bring at the earliest possible opportunity.

John Barton L&BR Trustee