Planning News Update 18th May 2022

Published: 18th May, 2022

The Section 73 planning applications to enable staged construction between Killington Lane and Blackmoor Gate have been registered by Exmoor National Park.

Planning route

There are five applications, and these can be viewed on ENP’s planning portal:

The application references are:

62/50/22/007     Engine shed

62/50/22/008     Railway Carpark

62/50/22/009     ENP Carpark

62/50/22/010     Materials recycling centre

62/50/22/011     Reinstatement of railway line between Killington Lane and Blackmoor Gate

Please read the Planning Statement and the Construction Stage Plan which provide details of the proposals.

Please read the Planning Statement and the Construction Stage Plan which provide details of the proposals.

Wherever you live, if you want to see the line extended then do please go to the ENPA website and support the five planning applications. The following links will take you to each of the five pages.

Responses are best done using the online facility. There is a box top left of Application Details page (see right where it says Please click here to comment on this application). Please help us by responding using the word "support" to Exmoor National Park on each application before 18th June 2022.

Please be patient as the site is sometimes very slow!

Please do encourage others to support these applications. There are literally thousands of people who know and love the Lynton & Barnstaple Railway and are eager for it to run between Woody Bay and Wistlandpound - we need their help now!